Why ‘anti-wokery’ is a sham, and misguided at that “When we revolt it’s not for a particular culture. We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breathe.” Frantz Fanon It is an apparent paradox that a bad action can trigger subsequent reactions that actually make that bad action more likely to occur again. The almost fanatic ‘anti-woke’ campaign that is underway in sections of the media and political discourse is just such an example. Specifically, the murder of George Floyd, during the fevered setting of the pandemic, triggered a rise in public consciousness about the lethal consequences of racism. That reasonable response triggered the backlash of ‘anti-wokery’ intended to delegitimise campaigns for equity that we are currently living through. And let’s be clear that this is intentional – the ambition is to undermine the moral basis of equality actions and to do so by marginalising fairness as being hypersensitivity and fragility. One origin of ‘woke’ a...
Showing posts from August, 2022